Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thing #4: Why Commenting is so Important to Bloggers...

Honestly, I did not even realize that a reader could comment on blogs until I read the instructions for Thing #4.  This is proof of how clueless I am about the blogging world, and new technology in general.  I have read plenty of blogs before, but I always stop reading at the end of the content, and obviously, I don't pay much attention to anything else.  

After reading the four articles posted in the "APSU 23 Things" blog, I've realized why blogging is so important.  Commenting helps to create a sense of community and interaction among the writer and the readers because it opens up many doors for discussion.  It allows readers to share their ideas, give constructive criticism, and offer new solutions to a particular problem.  Additionally, comments allow people to discuss common interests, which in turn, creates a sense of community.  Commenting literally invites interaction between the writer and his or her readers.  

Blue Skunk Blog's post about commenting was short, sweet and to the point.  He states, "Anywho, if you would like to make a blogger's day, leave a comment on a post. Agree, disagree, add, or just say thanks, but make it heart-felt. Make it relevant. Don't be a troll."  Writers can invite these genuine comments by asking questions in your blog, as the author of ProBlogger suggests.  Reading the articles mentioned above, as well as the others, made me realize just how many "rules" there are to blogging.  

The first comment that I made was on "Moore to Learn's" blog.  She expressed how much trouble she had choosing a name for her blog.  I shared the same sentiment and also discussed why it was so hard to choose a name.  The title of a blog is the first thing readers see, and of course, authors want to make a good first impression.  I will be updating this post as other bloggers add more content to their blogs.  I also commented on "Lugomania's" blog because I agree that Youtube is a wonderful tool for teaching, but I also think that teachers need to pay special attention to the videos they are choosing.  Tammy (Tammy's Tales) also made a good point in her blog about how the key to teaching is to "beg, borrow, and steal." I agree completely--why reinvent the wheel if you don't have to!  I also commented on "csilvers" blog--she had great ideas about making personalized monopoly cards for rewards, as well as newsletter templates.  Finally, I commented on "Mixon's Magical 23 Things."  On her blog, there was a conversation about Itunes versus Pandora.  I recently discovered Pandora and I absolutely love it.  I think it would be a great website to use during student work time.  

I also commented on Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog.  This blog is so great because she uploads videos of her class and their learning experiences and allows children to write about what they've learned.  She gives many helpful suggestions and ideas about teaching first graders, which is the grade I would love to teach.  Her latest post was a video of the kids summarizing what they learned in first grade.  My comment was about the use of technology in the classroom and how it contributes to an interactive learning environment. 

The other blog I commented on is called Blue Kitchen.  I love cooking and trying new foods (my husband is my guinea pig when it comes to trying new recipes!) The author had recently posted an article about organic versus inorganic foods. I commented on it by sharing a "rule" I heard about buying organic foods.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree, until I started this 23 things project, I really didn't realize all the possibilities that blogging had in the classroom. I love the suggestion from Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog about using it in the 1st grade summarizing what they learned in first grade. That is a great idea. Thanks for sharing this great post. Have a great day!
