Monday, September 3, 2012

Thing #2: There's a first time for everything...even blogging!

In my four years of college, I've only been excited about a few projects, and yes, this is one of them.  Unfortunately, many experiences in college classrooms fall into this awful, monotonous cycle: death by lecture, death by powerpoint, death by paper after paper after paper.  Maybe I'm exaggerating just a little, but the one common thread among the so-called "exciting projects" is that they consisted of hands-on, real-life learning opportunities.  I look forward to this project because it offers so many chances to experience and "play with" these Web 2.0 tools.  I am beyond excited to find out how I can integrate these tools within my classroom community.  

As the title above indicates, this is my first blog...ever!  When I first found out that I would be creating a blog in this class, I was secretly excited, although I had openly laughed at those people who created seemingly pointless blogs about their normal lives.  OK, I admit it...I read those blogs where people wrote about trying new recipes, going to the organic grocery store, finding a ridiculously great shoe sale, or getting a free non-fat latte at Starbucks. In general, creating this blog as been a pretty easy experience so far.  The only difficult part was that I was pretty much dragged, kicking and screaming, into the blogosphere.  At one point in my life, I refused to be one of those annoying people with a blog.  Regrettably, I find myself becoming one of those people I once laughed at.  At this point, all I can hope for is that my posts are not as pointless as the ones described above.  

When choosing the title of my blog, I wanted something that would be creative and memorable.  The first name I chose was "Brennan's Blog."  Talk about boring.  I thought "Brennan's Brainstorm" would be creative, but then I spent 45 minutes trying to find a background that matched the title.  Finally, I decided on "The Brennan Breeze" which I think coincides beautifully with my tropical, serene background picture.  When I created the URL, I was not paying attention to what the teacher was saying about using your name, so of course, I used my full name in the URL.  I quickly changed it to "mrsb23things" because this is a blog about my future profession, so why not use my future "professional name?"

The avatar was a whole new experience for me.  I had never created one before, but I had fun choosing the hair and the outfit.  I chose to make an avatar that looks like me; I guess it had never crossed my mind to make one that didn't look like me.  I did feel a little frustrated at the lack of outfit choices for my avatar, but I settled on an outfit that would fit my professional lifestyle as an educator.  Then, after I changed my theme, I thought, "Who would wear dress pants and a collared shirt on the beach?"  I decided to change my avatar's outfit to something a little more "beachy," and I gave her a Starbucks cup for good measure.  Teachers can never have enough coffee, after all...

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to what you say about a forst time for everything. I had never blogged before either and was probably the most excited about this project. I have read through your last three posts and you make some great points about blogging and how it can be used to create a community that includes the parents. I think that is one of the difficulties teachers face today, getting the parents to be involved and active in their children's education. I work at a preschool and that is a problem: the parents just do not seem to care. Maybe a blog would interest them to see what is going on in the classroom and how the teachers are teaching their kids, as well as learning from them. Kids can be quite insightful.
    I also want to say that your blog has a clever name and I wish I had been more original (not that I can't change it now). I like how you put so much of who you are into this blog. Not only do I get a sense of who you will be as a teacher, but who you are as a person. I think that is important and I can definitely use more of that in my blog.
