Monday, September 3, 2012

Thing #1: Lifelong Learning

What does it mean to be a lifelong learner?  As educators, it is important to understand what this complicated phrase means so that we can instill these values into our students.  "The 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Effective Lifelong Learners" is a good reminder about what it means to be a lifelong learner.  It is critical for educators to be well-versed in these habits and more importantly, to practice these habits themselves.  After all, how can we expect our students to be even slightly motivated, interested, and excited about learning for a lifetime if we are not all of those things ourselves?

Reflection is also another essential practice for educators.  After reflecting on "The 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Effective Lifelong Learners," I realized that I will have to make a conscious effort to practice each of these habits.  The easiest habit for me is habit #1-"Begin with the end in mind."  Because of my childhood and the way I was raised, I am always looking ahead and trying to foresee any problems that might occur.  I always have a Plan A, B, C and Z.  I know that when I have my own classroom, I will not have a lot of trouble staying organized and prepared.  I understand that although it is a lot of work to implement a lesson and have several back-up lessons at the same time, it is worth avoiding that awful feeling of unpreparedness.  Staying prepared and organized is also important when thinking about the end result.  For me, having a set of step-by-step directions and a plan is an easy way to stay on top of my goals, evaluate my progress, and re-evaluate if necessary.  

I practice habit #1 so often and so religiously that I sometimes forget to enjoy the journey to the end result, which leads me to habit #7 1/2-"Play!"  This habit is, by far, the hardest for me, but it is also one of the most important habits of an educator.  Teachers must make every effort possible to make learning fun so that children stay interested and involved and I realize that I need to make a constant effort to have a healthy balance between habit #1 and habit #7 1/2 within my classroom.  The reason that education is such a rewarding profession is because teachers get to watch children grow, understand and transform over the course of a year.  Mastering habit #7 1/2 will be a continuous journey for me but I am counting on my students to remind me of the importance of enjoying the process to the end result, which is creating a classroom of lifelong learners.  

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