Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thing #19: There's other social networks besides Facebook???

Visit TeacherPop

I was completely unaware of how many social networks there were out there!  I'm not a member of any online communities, but I joined TeacherPop and could not believe how many great resources and discussion forums there were.  What a great way to communicate and share ideas with other teachers! 

I explored a few other online communities as well.  The thing that surprised me the most, is that users can create and customize their own page within these communities, just like on Facebook.  I think that is one of the things that makes it so different from blogs.  On Teacher Librarian Ning, there was a "starter kit" on the front page which consisted of links to teacher/classroom blogs, helpful websites and other great resources for teachers.  I also checked out "Bake Space."  I loved the easy-to-use format and organization and also how simple it was to create a personal cookbook and swap recipes. 

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