Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thing #17: Tagging and Social Bookmarking

While I was working on the blog post about Flickr, I was frustrated because I did not understand what the purpose of tags were.  After watching the Common Craft video, I completely understand why tagging would be essential when using a social bookmarking site such as Delicious.  I often find myself annoyed at how many bookmarks I have saved on my web browser and even when I have them sorted into folders, I still feel overwhelmed.

After creating my account, I typed in "educational technology."  I was astounded by all of the tags that came up in relation to this phrase.  There are thousands of websites saved on this page but somehow, the tagging system makes it way less chaotic.  I can definitely see why social bookmarking would be useful in the classroom.  First of all, these sites are available anywhere where there is internet access, which means that both students and teachers can quickly get to their favorite websites.  This is unlike a bookmark bar which can only be accessed through one particular browser on one computer.   Additionally, social bookmarking can be used to share ideas and resources between colleagues and students.

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